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A simple python tweening library, for making little animations.


It basically just changes a variable in a class every time the update() method is called. It lets you create pretty complex animations using the animation dictionary system.



import leven
class AnyClass:
  def __init__(self):
    self.valueToAdjust = 0

    self.animation = leven.Tweener({ # creates a new tweener
      "start":{ # the animation name
        "v":["valueToAdjust"], # the (v)aules to adjust
        "sv":[0], # the (s)tart (v)alues
        "ev":[100], # the (e)nd (v)alues
        "a":["linear"], # the "(a)nimation" types
        "t": 60, # the "(t)ime" to run it for
        "->":"end" # the next animation
    }, self) # !! very important
    self.animation.start() # "starts" the animation
  def update(self):
    self.animation.update() # goes through all of the animations

The Animation Dictionary System

all animations/tweens leven uses are created through an "animation dictionary". Which is just a big dictionary that contains the animation settings. The basic form of these dictionaries is as follows:

  "animation name":{
    "v": ["values", "to", "adjust"],
    "sv": [0,0,0],
    "ev": [500,10,400],
    "a": ["linear","linear","linear"],
    "t": 60,
    "->": "end"

All animation dictionaries need to have a "start" animation, and a "->" value that is "end". This means that you can create complex animations that have multiple steps relatively easily.

The animation types

Leven has a bunch of animation types built in, and adding your own is very easy.

animation types gif

Note: all animations have a "out" variant, this is where it goes from the end value ("ev") to the start value ("sv"), this is usefull when you want to go from a large number to a small number, as python range does not support going in reverse very easily. So a simple work around is this "out" system.

Adding your own animation type


generateArray helper function

a function that generates a tweened array/list of values

tweenedList = leven.generateArray(0, 100, elemNo=10, function="linear")
# returns [0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100]

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